House Portrait – from Cold Winter to Vibrant Summer

Omaha Home as I saw it last summer…

Last summer I was driving through a lovely tree-lined street in Omaha and a classic brick Colonial Revival home caught my eye. It stood out as it was somewhat elevated and long layers of brick stairs led up to a cheerful red door — which made it even more welcoming. The home attracted me as it was a study in contrasts, the rich warmth of the brick against crisp white trim and black shutters. I decided to make this home part of my Omaha house portrait series.

I wondered what was behind those interesting dormer windows. Were they bedrooms, a study perhaps or as is sometimes the case, just storage. I couldn’t help thinking that the space would probably make a wonderful art studio.  I also wondered about the history of the home.

The only problem was that I was in a hurry and the photos I took were not good. I concluded I would come back later in the afternoon to get a better photographic record of the home.  Unfortunately my afternoon ended up being swallowed up in an art project so I was left will some crummy photos that didn’t do the house justice as well as a very clear image in my mind of how I would portray this subject as a work of art.  Then I moved on from Omaha and headed north.

In order to create this painting and ensure accurate details, I had my local photographer take new shots for me to make sure I had things right. Of course the photos were taken in the current season… winter.  That photo is below, just so you can see the contrast.

Vibrant summer house portrait in Omaha NE
The same home in a drab winter scene.

I have fun changing seasons and make the day nice and sunny.  I guess that is what an artist does, they visualize things differently.  It certainly makes my job enjoyable!


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