House Portrait in the Snow

Grand Rapids Tudor Home Portrait

Sometimes homeowners or potential clients balk at the notion of me doing a portrait of their home in the winter and want to wait till spring or summer.  I often disabuse them of this  idea.  The snow has beautiful soft reflections  and the filtered lighting makes the home and its setting look quite magical. I especially love winter sunsets as they look like muted watercolor paintings with their translucent colors and purple shadows.  This portrait of an elegant  Tudor home  on Floral Ave, Grand Rapids Michigan, is a great example of this. Built in 1928, the interior color and design of the home is just as lovely as the outside, with soft muted tones  and strong  design lines.

Grand Rapids Tudor House Portrait in snow

Just a few facts about the city of Grand Rapids.  It is located on the Grand River about 25 miles east of Lake Michigan and is the second largest city in Michigan (after Detroit). Grand Rapids is home to five of the world’s leading office furniture companies and is nicknamed the “Furniture City”.    This first came about during the second half of the 19th century, when the city became a major lumbering center and hence the premier furniture manufacturing city of the United States.  After an international exhibition in Philadelphia in 1876, Grand Rapids became recognized worldwide as a leader in the production of fine furniture. National home furnishing markets were held in Grand Rapids for about 75 years, concluding in the 1960s.

Until my next post,


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