2024: Year in Review

2024: Year in Review

Leisa Collins Historic Preservation Award, News, The Flourishing Artist
Hello friends! I hope you had a lovely holiday season and happy 2025 from St. Louis Missouri! As 2024 began winding down, I started to reflect on what the year looked like.  I always find it therapeutic and it helps me in looking ahead and setting my goals for the coming year. This year was significant as I celebrated my 40th anniversary of living in this great country. Sure, the USA has its fair share of problems and imperfections but being that I have travelled to dozens and dozens of countries around the globe, from 15 countries in Europe to India, Africa and New Zealand, as a self-taught artist, I am grateful for the opportunities and freedoms this nation has provided me. It goes without saying that I continued to…
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My Latest Historic Preservation Award goes to . .

My Latest Historic Preservation Award goes to . .

Leisa Collins Historic Preservation Award, New Art
Awardees Jenifer and Ivan Garcia! As Jenifer and Ivan Garcia, the founders of Garcia Properties, state on their website, they formed their enterprise with one driving desire -- to leave whatever they touched a little better. Two decades later, after renovating and otherwise bringing back to life almost one hundred individual properties across St. Louis, they have indeed kept to their word. The award presentation took place on May 23, in the upstairs lounge of the Golden Hoosier Restaurant and Bar on South Kingshighway in South St. Louis.  The Alderman for the 10th Ward, Joe Vollmer, joined me in honoring the Garcias. [caption id="attachment_33858" align="aligncenter" width="2560"] Unveiling the award painting to Jenifer and Ivan Garcia[/caption]   [caption id="attachment_33859" align="aligncenter" width="2560"] 10th Ward Alderman, Joe Vollmer, joined me in honoring the Garcias.[/caption]…
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Traveling through Scenic West Virginia. . .

Traveling through Scenic West Virginia. . .

House Portraits, Leisa Collins Historic Preservation Award, News
The most abandoned state in the nation  . . .and the restoration of a 200-year-old stone home. West Virginia is one of the nation’s most scenic states, known for beautiful wooded mountains and dramatic falling rivers. The state is also known for Civil War action and coal mining. It is home to grand resorts, a Cass Gilbert designed capitol and gorgeous mansions built during the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. West Virginia was originally part of the Virginia Colony established by England in 1606. In 1607 the first settlement of Jamestown was formed and pioneers arrived to make their home in eastern Virginia. West Virginia, however, remained the frontier for some time and West Virginians retain that resilient pioneer spirit today. Abandoned Buildings of West Virginia But despite its…
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Latest Historic Preservation Award – Grand Rapids MI

Latest Historic Preservation Award – Grand Rapids MI

Leisa Collins Historic Preservation Award, News
Historic Preservation Heroes: Tom and Sue Leonard My latest Historic Preservation Award goes to a Grand Rapids couple who saved their beautiful Queen Ann home from decay and potential demolition.  Built in 1883, it also happens to be the home that graces the cover of my book, Hand Painted Homes: An Artist's Pen and Watercolor Journey Across America. I established the Leisa Collins Historic Preservation Award in 2013 and have presenting the award to outstanding individuals around the country who save beautiful historic structures from the wrecking ball and bring them back to life. The award is an original painting of the saved project. However, when I chose this home for my cover, I had no idea of the heartwarming story behind the restoration of 231 James St SE. It…
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Meet my Latest Historic Preservation Hero!

Meet my Latest Historic Preservation Hero!

Leisa Collins Historic Preservation Award, News
My latest recipient of the Leisa Collins Historic Preservation Award is . . . Mary Beth Grey of Grand Rapids MI for her historic renovation of 268 Paris Ave SE, Heritage Hill, Grand Rapids, MI Awarded on a beautiful spring day on this now open and welcoming porch, friends, neighbors and preservation supporters gathered  to honor Mary Beth and her latest restoration project. Since starting her home renovation business 2 1/2 years ago, Mary Beth has brought eight historic homes back to life in the greater Grand Rapids area. The majority have been in the City of East Grand Rapids, however this is her first Heritage Hill home and her most recent labor of love. It's also her most extensive project to date. Mary has a very hands on approach…
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Announcing my Grand Rapid MI Historic Preservation Awardee!

Announcing my Grand Rapid MI Historic Preservation Awardee!

Leisa Collins Historic Preservation Award, News
Meet my Grand Rapids MI Preservation Hero!  INVITATION TO THE COMMUNITY I will be presenting my next Historic Preservation Award to East Grand Rapids resident  Mary Beth Grey for her historic renovation of 268 Paris Ave SE, Heritage Hill, Grand Rapids Since starting her home renovation business 2 1/2 years ago, Mary Beth has brought eight historic homes back to life in the greater Grand Rapids area. The majority have been in the City of East Grand Rapids, however this is her first Heritage Hill home and her most recent labor of love. It's also her most extensive project to date. Mary has a very hands on approach with all her projects and it took her several months to bring this beautiful Victorian to a state that is now close to…
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Historic Preservation Event and my first NZ recipient!

Historic Preservation Event and my first NZ recipient!

Leisa Collins Historic Preservation Award, News
Historic Preservation Hero - James Blackburne! In additional to spending valuable time with my family, I decided to celebrate my recent visit to New Zealand with the presentation of my Leisa Collins Historic Preservation Award to an extremely deserving individual. While national in scope, James Blackburne just happens to be based in the city of Gisborne where my family lives. James is an architect whose passion is to see members of the community engaged in architectural preservation on all levels. A Gisborne native, he is the President of Historic Places Aotearoa Inc. and is the Chairman of Historic Places Tairawhiti Inc. and Tairawhiti Heritage Trust.  He is a strong advocate for the protection and restoration of heritage buildings and has taken a leading role in a number of stellar preservation…
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My next award goes to the first New Zealand recipient!

My next award goes to the first New Zealand recipient!

Leisa Collins Historic Preservation Award
To be presented to Historic Preservation Hero James Blackburne James is an architect whose passion is to see members of the community engaged in architectural preservation on all levels. A Gisborne native, he is the President of Historic Places Aotearoa Inc. and is the Chairman of Historic Places Tairawhiti Inc. and Tairawhiti Heritage Trust.  He is a strong advocate for the protection and restoration of heritage buildings and has taken a leading role in a number of stellar preservation projects such as the Acton Estate, St Mary’s and Toko Toru Tapa Churches.  He is currently working on restoring, the former Plunket Building in Gisborne, as well as the historic Potatu, which is a family heritage project. The award is an original painting of one of the restored projects which will…
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My 10th Historic Preservation Award  – Presented in St. Louis!

My 10th Historic Preservation Award – Presented in St. Louis!

Leisa Collins Historic Preservation Award
Portrait of a home  - from decayed abandonment to a brand  new life! My 10th award goes to . . .  Ray Simon and Mel Pashea of St. Louis for their stellar actions to save and fully restore two pre-Civil War cottages that had been abandoned for over a decade. [caption id="attachment_8255" align="aligncenter" width="640"] The unveiling of the St. Louis Award painting[/caption] Ray Simon, an architect and noted rehabber in Benton Park, had the vision to rescue the two crumbling relics on Missouri Ave. Together with partner Mel, they transformed the fading structures into what is often described as one of the coolest properties in the neighborhood. I was honored to have St Louis Ninth Ward Alderman Dan Guenther speak to the gathering of friends and neighbors and relate stories…
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NEWSFLASH!  Meet my latest historic preservation hero!

NEWSFLASH! Meet my latest historic preservation hero!

Leisa Collins Historic Preservation Award, News
Presentation of my award in Tarpon Springs, Florida. I am currently in Florida and in travel mode, while working on new house portrait subjects for my coffee table book. I soon discovered that the most unique thing about Florida architecture is the color palette  – from soft coastal pastels to striking bursts of orange, blue and gold. [caption id="attachment_7990" align="aligncenter" width="800"] Florida Beach Cottages[/caption] I was introduced to the laid back coastal city of Tarpon Springs by a friend who lives there. Not only is it the most historic city in the state but Tarpon Springs has the highest percentage of Greek Americans of any city in the US!  And being that I love Greece ... I decided to look further.  In the early 1900’s sponge diving was introduced to…
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